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Online Network Marketing Business Is The Magic Method To Generate More Residual Income

If you have cable television service you are already familiar with software as a service though you may not know it. Every time you purchase a pay-per-view program, you are using a SaaS option. Instead of buying tickets to an event or purchasing a movie to keep in your home, you are purchasing the right to view the program during a set time. Now translate that knowledge to the computer industry and you have a foundation for understanding what SaaS means.

The method is simple. Your downline will do the same, which you did for them. Their downline will do the same, which they did for them and so on. The chain goes on and you will generate income from many tiers deep. Your only job is to persuade more first tier affiliates, so that your residual income opportunity grows exponentially.

The main choice, which a new affiliate must make is to concentrate on some promotion strategy, on one or two. This is important, because if he splits his energy between too many actions, he will not get decent results from them.

You Cannot Make Money From Home By Working Only Alone.

It does not matter how much you work, the secret is how you work. In order to make money online in a shorter time, we cannot rely on our own work, we have to use the power of leverage, i.e. to share our knowhow to others, who can use it and make income for themselves and for us!

The affiliate service systems of the best principals are built so that they are responsible mostly about the questions, which their affiliates have. That is the normal service level. Your job as a sponsor is to help your affiliates to choose from the many promotion ways and maybe also with the small details in the start.

Your Upline Has A Great Motivation To Help You To Make Money At Home, Because They Will Earn From Every Tip They Give.

Okay, the upline has a motivation and it is easy for him to help you, because they just tell you what they have learnt and tried, so you will get proven guidance about how to make good money online. The network marketing method has the success factor inside it.

The power of the network marketing comes from the fact, that the network itself forms a society, which the sponsor feeds with regular useful information and guidance. A useful tool is the discussion marketing forum, where people can change experiences and to share tips.

Your Future As A Sponsor Depends On How Strong Brand Image You Succeed To Build.

When your target is to become a successful networker, a marketer who is known and who has the trust from the online society. This requires a good brand image and that requires, that you will concentrate on the downline building. That must be your expertise.

To build a successful downline is a great online business choice, which you have to plan carefully. But when you are lucky, this business choice can make you great passive income
during a long period of time.

By: Juhani Tontti

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What is Software as a Service (SaaS)?

If you have cable television service you are already familiar with software as a service though you may not know it. Every time you purchase a pay-per-view program, you are using a SaaS option. Instead of buying tickets to an event or purchasing a movie to keep in your home, you are purchasing the right to view the program during a set time. Now translate that knowledge to the computer industry and you have a foundation for understanding what SaaS means.

Instead of buying a software program outright, installing it, and maintaining it a company can opt to rent time on a server that has the software installed. This saves storage space, personnel resources, and financial resources.

Few companies are large enough to have a dedicated IT staff or to maintain their own servers. Renting time on a server to access software makes sense for small to midsize companies. This is a truly cost effective measure not to mention ecologically friendly measure.

When you buy a software program, you get a box, packaging protection, and plastic covers that all have to be disposed of. Then you have to dispose of the program you are replacing as well as the outdated manuals. An employee has to take time away from their other duties to first uninstall the old program and then install the new one. In effect, you have just thrown away the money you spent on the first program and the payroll for the employee to complete a redundant task. If you have a private garbage collection company, you have just wasted room in your dumpster. Consider completing this process with a dozen or more programs a year.

Renting time on a server to access the programs you used to buy and install gives the server company the headaches of upgrades, maintenance, and organization. They purchase the program and the rights to allow a set number of users to access it. They buy the upgrades and install them. They deal with the trash. You pay the rent.

This is especially beneficial if you want to change programs. Look at it this way, your company currently uses a moderate level accounting program. Fortunately, your company has grown; unfortunately, the changes your growth caused overwhelms your current accounting program. Now you have a choice. You can shop around for a new accounting program and purchase the one that best fits your needs or you can locate an online software as a service (SaaS) provider and compare the cost of renting only the accounting modules you need against buying the entire program.

This is not a no-brainer. In fact, business managers will need to compare not only the fixed monetary costs vs. the variable monetary costs but also many other factors such as security vs. accessibility and ease of use. HoweverArticle Submission, for many small to midsize companies it may turn out to be the ideal solution.

Source: Free Articles from

Get Your Priorities Right - Meditate

No doubt you have heard the old saying that no one, on their deathbed, would ever say that they wished that they'd spend more time in the office! Well, given the mass hysteria that is the fear and panic that has been gripping world economies over the last few months, some don't even have the option of spending more time in that office anymore! I don't say that lightly, it's just a fact of the times in which we live - but a fact created by collective state of mind.

For those of us who live in these times, there is an extraordinary onus on us to stay (or become) calm. Only calm, or clarity of mind, will move everyone towards that "even keel" where we no longer get sucked into mass fear or panic. Only a clear mind will move us towards the ability to stop mindless reaction and start acting. If we get there, we can all benefit from the abundance that this life offers us - today.

Calm works wonders. From small wonders - like not shouting at our children, not losing our heads when bad things happen - to major wonders. Consider the US Transcendental Meditation experiment in Washington DC in 1993, where TM aimed to get 4,000 calm people meditating in a central Washington convention centre. Quantum mathematicians at Stanford calculated that the effect of 4,000 calm minds would be seen in a directly connected calculable 25% drop in violent crime - homicide, rape and assault. Whilst law enforcement agencies were more than a little sceptical at the outset, why not look at the US Federal Government's Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy - the results were exactly as predicted.

You see, state of mind is contagious - whether it's just being bored by a boring person, yawning because everyone else has started yawning, getting all excited because your team is winning the big match, or being uplifted in the company of someone who has "presence". It doesn't matter what the circumstances, your state of mind effects my state of mind - and rubs off on everyone else. Decades of psychological research proves this to be the case. And, in recent years, quantum physics has provided with the hard scientific evidence - if evidence were needed - that your energy affects my energy - and our energy affects universal energy.

Which brings me back to the title of this article. Generally speaking, so-called "normal" people have their priorities all wrong, constantly striving for what some might call the "American Dream" of achievement and wealth. Mostly, those two words, achievement and wealth, go together. But what about the wealth of a calm mind, a soul at peace, happy loving relationships and good health? What about having lots of time to do what really turns you on? What about helping those around you rather than helping yourself?

I started this article with one old saying - what about this one: What goes around, comes around. If you take your foot off the accelerator that is speeding us all headlong into a greed-induced disaster and start putting the really important things in life first, decades of anecdotal evidence suggests that you will get everything you need for a perfect life. Again, quantum physics comes to the fore in proving that universal energy responds to our emotions and intentions. But, if our intentions are not honourable, what do you think we'll get in return? Perhaps the current mess?

Why not put the quality of your life at the top of your list of priorities? Why not realise that money can't buy you love? Why not wake up to the fact that without your own peace of mind, nothing else really matters? And, where do you find peace of mind? Where do you find mental calm? The answer is obvious - you find these qualities of life within.

Very few people give themselves the space to journey within - they're too busy trying to win the next deal, or even just trying to make ends meet. The funny thing is that ends meet of their own accord if you give yourself a little space to get re-acquainted with the real you, within. If meditation can permeate a whole city, surely meditation can affect just you on your own. So, no matter how you do it, take a few minutes each day to calm down, to breathe in and out, to marvel at the wonder of the sky above your head, the birds singing. Let your peace of mind be your only priority. Your priority for today - and every day - should be to ensure that you're in a clear and calm state of mind, focused in the present moment. Everything else will follow as night follows day.


Copyright (c) 2009 Willie Horton

How Secure is Your IT Network?

Nowadays, just about all major businesses and corporations are powered by one or more IT networks and continuously serves as the life and blood of day to day business operations. Each of the units or nodes of the network are powered by computers and individuals that work together in their dedicated positions and fulfil their roles assigned. IT networks are so delicate since any disturbance in the network can either hinder or slow down the overall network performance to a certain degree. Not only must the network administrators do their jobs in preventing these issues from happening, but they must also evaluate how secure their IT networks are.

What about your network?

Have you ever considered doing a security audit for your network?

Just because your network has never bumped into any problems doesn't mean that the security is at its maximum. Therefore it is important to test your computer for any network vulnerabilities and stay updated with the current trends to see if new network vulnerabilities are discovered that may pose a threat to your network one day.

There will always be people that are up to no good in developing hacking programs and viruses that are specifically meant to disrupt or harm networks directly. These methods may involve data theft, data corruption, or a combination of the two and for the average business this can be a serious threat to the wellbeing of the network and business.

Security software and services are one of the allies of these networks that aim to hinder these rogue software and stay one step ahead of the threats to prevent IT networks from suffering at all. The payload of these vulnerabilities can sometimes be irreversible like if data is stolen so preventative measures must be forced, especially in businesses that have highly sensitive data in their servers.

Resorting to the various security software and services shouldn't be the only option, as they may not have defence to the newest threats out there right away. By making a habit to do your own network security maintenances, you can keep these new threats at bay and wait for your network security programs to update.

Common things to protect are sensitive files and entry web pages of the network. Passwords are a good first line defence to restrict access to the individuals within the network who know the password. Making the password complicated can reduce the risks of brute force attacks - a common method in breaking through password protected areas. Using the latest system software from operating system to other programs that have network access can also reduce the chances of a security breech since patches aim to plug in security holes.

Always take some time off to check your networks security. If you have no knowledge on how to do it, you can always ask a skilled hacker to try and break into your network. Former hackers are the best people to consult as these people dedicate themselves to helping personnel and using their previous hacking to improve the security of networks. This will allow your network to run smoothly without fear of a network crisis.

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